I just spied this insane six-piece set of Bottega Veneta alligator luggage that will run you a mere $157,000. What's that--you say you're a bit short? Don't worry, you can buy individual pieces at prices ranging from $23,000 to $47,000.
You might sense the sarcasm in my tone, but in all honesty, these are probably some of the most durable, beautiful and well-crafted suitcases available. Portero often highlights exotic skin accessories, in part because of their opulence but also for their fantastic resale value and ability to withstand the elements.
Some more details on the collection: Each piece (including a beauty case and a duffle bag) is made of noce fume soft-finished alligator skin and features burnished metal hardware with reinforced corners and locks. We have a big selection of Bottega Veneta, including a gorgeous Bottega Veneta Burgundy Crocodile Two-Part Folding Handbag.
Also, don't forget to check out our fantastic collection of designer luggage.
Via Luxist