I was actually really excited to see the new Mario Testino-shot Burberry ads featuring actress Emma Watson (Hermione Granger for you Harry Potter Fans). She has clearly grown into a gorgeous young woman, and I have lately really been admiring her personal fashion choices. She's very much unlike many of the young stars--she wears age-appropriate clothes, natural-looking makeup, and hasn't seemed to let her millions of dollars go directly to her head.
Although the male models surrounding Emma do seem really young (which makes me feel old!), I like the youthful approach that Burberry is taking. The British brand often has a staid, conservative feel and these images show that the clothes can certainly be just as hip and chic as the upstarts.
And really, who wouldn't want to have a classic Burberry trench or scarf as part of their wardrobe?
See the rest of the campaign below, and click right here to see Portero's selection of authentic Burberry merchandise.