It's always exciting when Portero acquires a grouping of designer merchandise that doesn't usually see the light of day. Such is the case with our just-launched selection of collectible Kieselstein-Cord jewelry, accessories and handbags. While we usually have a few pieces from the lauded designer floating around on the site, this particular set contains many hard-to-find and vintage pieces that can't usually be found for sale.
If you don't know too much about Barry Kieselstein-Cord, a good place to start may be right here. If you're one of his many admirers, then you probably already know that BK-C is a New York City born-and-bred artist who started his career in advertising in the 1960s. In the '70s, he, along with a few other bold-faced names such as Robert Lee Morris and Elsa Peretti, created an entirely new category of jewelry that found its basis in sculpture and armor.
He has always maintained that he doesn't follow fashion or use it as a guide for creation; in fact, BK-C nearly always finds his inspiration in ancient cultures. In an interview many years ago with Vogue's AndrĂ© Leon Talley, he said, "I also like things which are sophisticated in an innately primitive way. Things that are transformed into a past and present that you can't identify. I like some of MirĂ³'s giant sculptures, some by Lipchitz, Noguchi, and Brancusi. The last thing I look at for inspiration is jewelry of any kind or period."
If you're looking to get into the collector's market, this designer auction may well be the place to start. Portero is thrilled to offer some of the very first works in silver by the artist as well as one-of-a-kind accessories. To start shopping, click below to visit our Kieselstein-Cord event: