And while I'm all for shopping from the privacy of your home, sometimes it's good to get out and really get up close and personal with the object of your affection. WatchTime magazine has put together a six-city tour led by noted watch journalist Jeff Kingston that will make you feel as though you attended Basel and SIHH--the largest watch shows in the world that just took place last month in Switzerland. This series was sold out in each stop last year, so it's best to register now if you want to score a seat.
Click right here to see the schedule and get all of the information you need to register.
Option two: For history buffs, a just-opened exhibit is taking place in Pennsylvania at the National Watch and Clock Museum through the end of the year. "Time in Office" is an exhibition of Presidential timepieces created to celebrate this election year. Many presidential libraries, museums and historic sites have loaned pieces that have never been grouped together--apparently, there is even a collection of pocket watches owned by George Washington, Harry Truman and Rutherford B. Hayes. I'm a certified history nerd, so this sounds fascinating to me.
Click right here to get more information on the exhibit and the National Watch and Clock Museum.
And don't forget to click right here to view Portero's Highly Collectible Watch Event.